
  • Key sponsor Membership

    Full Conference Package

    5 AGM Votes

    Advance event notifications

    Tailored Promo Opportunities

    4 free passes to conference (including gala dinner & lunch)

    25% discount at Tech Training

    5 free attendees at Tech Seminars (plus 2 non-member guests)

    Co-Sponsor Opportunities

    Corporate branding at events

    Ability to publish industry related articles and vacant positions using ITS Ireland Media outlets

    Other general sponsorship opportunities

    Access to knowledge centre and membership login

    Connect with industry professionals

    Utilise ITS Ireland network

    Participate on ITS board and sub‐committee

    Annual Fee €5,999

  • Corporate Membership

    As a Corporate member along with the many networking opportunities and up to date information on the latest ITS news from around Europe as well as access to a vast range of ITS knowledge from all our members you will also enjoy the following services and benefits:

    5 AGM Votes

    Advance event notifications

    Tailored Promo Opportunities

    A discount at Tech Training

    5 free attendees at Tech Seminars

    Co‐Sponsor Opportunities

    Corporate branding at events

    Ability to publish industry related articles and vacant positions using ITS Ireland Media outlets

    Other general sponsorship opportunities

    Access to knowledge centre and membership login

    Connect with industry professionals

    Utilise ITS Ireland network

    Participate on ITS board and sub‐committee

    Annual Fee €750

  • Government/Non-Profit Member.

    As a Corporate member along with the many networking opportunities and up to date information on the latest ITS news from around Europe as well as access to a vast range of ITS knowledge from all our members you will also enjoy the following services and benefits:

    3 AGM Votes

    Advance event notifications

    Tailored Promo Opportunities

    A discount at Tech Training

    5 free attendees at Tech Seminars

    Co‐Sponsor Opportunities

    Corporate branding at events

    Ability to publish industry related articles and vacant positions using ITS Ireland Media outlets

    Other general sponsorship opportunities

    Access to knowledge centre and membership login

    Connect with industry professionals

    Utilise ITS Ireland network

    Participate on ITS board and sub‐committee

    Annual Fee €250

  • Academia Membership

    As an Academia Membership member, you will enjoy the following services and benefits

    5 AGM Votes *

    Advance event notifications

    Tailored Promo Opportunities

    A discount at Tech Training

    5 free attendees at Tech Seminars

    Co‐Sponsor Opportunities

    Corporate branding at events

    Ability to publish industry related articles and vacant positions using ITS Ireland Media outlets

    Other general sponsorship opportunities

    Access to knowledge centre and membership login

    Connect with industry professionals

    Utilise ITS Ireland network

    Participate on ITS board and sub‐committee

    Annual Fee €250

  • Individual Membership

    As an Individual Membership member, you will enjoy the following services and benefits

    1 AGM Votes

    1 free attendee at Seminar per annum

    Ability to publish industry related articles using ITS Ireland Media outlets

    Access to knowledge centre and membership logon

    Connect with industry professionals

    Utilise ITS Ireland network

    Annual Fee €100

  • Student/Retiree Membership

    As an Student/Retiree Membership member, you will enjoy the following services and benefits:

    1 free attendee at Seminar per annum

    Ability to publish industry related articles using ITS Ireland Media outlets

    Access to knowledge centre

    Connect with industry professionals

    Utilise ITS Ireland network

    Annual Fee €10